You'll mostly have to look up the documentation of the .ignore files syntax if you want to master this tool and find the right tradeoff/middleground between being specific and being generic about what files you ignore in your project.
In general, you can either 1/ be specific or 2/ use wildcards or 3/ use negation patterns. For instance you could say ignore all "bin" directories, except a particular one:
Notice the exclamation mark at the begining of the second line: it's a negation. It means: DO NOT IGNORE.
=> Those two lines combined, will ignore all "bin" directories, wherever they are in the tree ( double asterix = means any subdirectory ) except that one particular one, named on the next line and prefixed with an exclamation mark.
But saying this I'm only scratching the surface of the power of the .ignore files, you need to look at the doc to know more. (eg. you can have a generic .ignore file at the root of the solution and, for specific cases, other .ignore file(s) in subdirector.y.ies somewhere too)
Last but not least, if you're confident with .ignore file, you can even invoke destructive commands such as "clean" and delete everything that is not under source control ( ie. that is ignored )... which is basically a prequel to REBUILD ALL.
# WARNING: cleans absolutely everything that is not under source control
git clean -nfdx # << To preview what would be deleted... -n = NoAction = --dry-run
git clean -fdx # << The actual cleanup.
"tfignore file - Google Search"
For Fox
"Visual Studio 2015 TFS .tfignore file - Stack Overflow"
For Seb
Excluding Files From Team Foundation Version Control Using .tfignore Files - Applied Information Sciences
For everybody
"GitHub - sirkirby/tfignore: A Collection of .tfignore Templates"
"GitHub - github/gitignore: A collection of useful .gitignore templates"